regina, foley, brycewalker. Armored riot police guards arrive and demand the students to leave school grounds. But there is an old stereo in his garage that still plays tapes, so he goes there and puts in the first cassette. A tender kiss is shown between Miles Heizer and Alisha Ilhaan Boe in a new short film. "Graduation". He told Bryce that all the tapes are his tapes and he now had to "deal with his shit". This could lead to the public embarrassment and shame of certain people, while others could face physical harassment charges or jail time. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Tony thinks Deputy Standall might know something about this. Tony finds this unsettling. Over a year after Hannah's death, Bryce listens to Tony Padilla's copies. Caleb wanted to go in the boxing ring with him before he's done with his sessions, but Tony refused. You guys remember season 1, episode 8 when they're walking down after rock climbing and when Tony tells Clay that he's gay? The ultimate fate of the Tapes was revealed in Graduation when Jessica, Alex, Tyler, Courtney, Zach, Ryan, Tony, Clay and Ani bury the tapes in Evergreen. Upon her death, Hannah left behind 13 retro cassette tapes, each listing 'reasons why' she took her own life. Through Tape number 12, Bryce Walker, who broke my soul.Hannah describing the short version of why they're all on the tapes. He thought it wasnt important and he didnt want to deal with her drama, so he didnt immediately pick up the box. Want 100 or more? Tony isn't the only character who's revealed to be gay during the series. Hannah includes herself on this tape as well as she did nothing to stop Bryce from raping Jessica. Tyler offers to be his cutman. Now, doesn't that seem like a hesitant answer to you? Hannah breaks down the events and why they happened, stating that the student touched her without her permission, and then became aggressive instead of apologizing. Olivia Baker discovered the diagram after she went through Hannah's things and later used it on her billboard to map out Hannah's life as she described in her tapes. I can't force you to visit them, but if you'd like a little more insight, head for the stars. She is the daughter of Todd and Steve Crimsen. What happened to Clay in 13 Reasons Why season 4? Tony ignored the question and asked Caleb to sign a form for his probation officer. During Tony's testimony, he said Hannah made the tapes so people would understand what she was going through. By the end of the first season however, and after Clay is able to get a confession from Bryce, Tony finally understands that it is better to think about what Hannah needs rather than what she wanted and gives up copies of her tapes to her parents in the hopes that they will be able to help get justice for Hannah's death. One of the people in the accident, an elderly man, told him to run to the house to tell his wife that he was okay. They discussed helping Tyler and wondered what made him almost shot up the school. Tony had gone to the Baker's house, where he revealed that the reason Hannah gave him the tapes was that he owed her. He is very comforting as well as he reaches out to Clay during his grief over Hannah's death. Reluctant at first, Tony decided to take a brochure and promise to look into it. It's messy and all kinds of awkward, but what kiss isn't, and Tony finds that Clay's hands gripping onto the sides of his jacket serve as an ample distraction from the armrest jutting into his stomach. for a customized plan. She shows this list to Clay stating that Hannah wrote it, he looks at it and she tells him that he is on there "at least once, possibly twice, did she call you Helmet? Clay Tony knows about Hannah's tapes. He's there for Hannah and Clay, acts as a lifeline when Clay starts to spiral, and always has a wise thing to say when things get seriously heavy. The names crossed out are not on Hannah's tapes. The package is addressed to the next name on Hannah Bakers list. He thinks about how he never want to hear the tapes again, although hell the voice on them will never leave him and the high school and the city will always be there to remind him of what he heard on them. He even lies to Hannah's mother a few times about knowing anything about why she killed herself simply to follow Hannah's rules. She starts by sharing the story of her first kiss, with Justin Foley, who goes on to inadvertently spread a salacious rumor that begins the sequence of events leading to her suicide. . 1. But you, me, everyone on these tapes, we all let her down. Clay finally kisses Hannah and their clothes quickly start coming off. Hannah has given a second set of tapes to one of their classmates, the identity of whom Clay later discovers, and warns the people on the tapes that if they do not pass them on, the second set will be leaked to the entire student body. They ask for Clay to start the car while they work under the hood. Hannah Baker here. ", he confirms. The B side of the seventh tape is recorded by Clay, it details Bryce's confession to raping Hannah, but not explicitly, as Bryce isn't aware that what he said is a confession to rape. A riot breaks out at the school due to the treatment of students by SROs. Through the audio narrative, Hannah reveals her pain and suffering and the slide into depression that ultimately leads to her suicide. Picture: Netflix/13 Reasons Why In the final season, Clay is in therapy after struggling with his mental health. A month ago, Clay ran here after he witnessed a car accident. Clay notices Tony staring at him and wonders if Tony is on the tapes somewhere. Im saying it gave him an excuse.. At night, Tony burned the pages of the letter he received from Hannah.[14]. Tyler screamed at Tony not to touch him, but Tony managed to calm him down and take his gun from him. love, request, 13. The next day, Caleb asked Tony how he knows that Clays innocent and to tell him the truth about what happened after homecoming. Alive Tony told Justin that he and his brothers beat up a guy and the guy pressed charges. She lists her first crush, a boy who voted her "best ass in the freshman class", a former friend, a peeping Tom, a liar, a goof who takes advantage of her, a hater, a thief who steals her poems, a member of the list that already passed, a cheerleader who crashes into a stop sign, the guidance counselor, and Clay, her soul-mate, all who thought their actions were harmless, or that they wouldn't affect or scar her. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Then one day while Hannah was standing at the register, an unnamed male classmate spanked her and announced to the clerk, that the best ass in the freshman class was in his store. Throughout the book, characters show how Hannahs suicide has profoundly affected them. Clay confronted Tony about not informing him about his family getting deported and selling his car to Bryce. Bryce mentioned feeling regret for what he did to Hannah, but Tony said he had no idea how he hurt her as he didn't listen to the tapes. 13 Reasons Why was a huge hit, despite . Clay sits on the curb outside of Blue Spot Liquor and pulls out the second tape from his backpack setting the side marked 3 to play. Tony pulled Clay into a hug and drove him home, making him promise not to do anything stupid.[11]. Okay, don't go into your Clay-hole. You never really know what's gonna hit how. 24. Clay pointed out that if Bryce gets the tapes, he wont pass them on to the last tape subject and said he has a plan. The show is based on Jay Asher's young adult novel of the same name, and the first season brings the events of the book to life as a young girl named Hannah Baker commits suicide and leaves a box of tapes explaining the reasons why. Justin earns his place on the tapes by exaggerating what happened and bragging to his friends at school. Tony is shown to be capable of physical aggression as Clay once witnesses him savagely beating up someone along with his brothers. 13 Reasons Why Season 2 Episode 2 Two Girls Kissing REACTION! SURE?! Tony saved money to hire a lawyer and wanted to sleep at the garage. It would explain a lot, mainly why he decides to spend SO MUCH TIME looking after Clay. Will Clay and Tony get together, or kiss even, on 13 Reasons Why? Clay found out through Mrs. Baker that they had met up multiple times and that Bryces family was responsible for the deportation of Tonys family. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. After Ani moves out of Jessica's house, she now lives with Tony and Caleb. This makes Clay two separate reasons as to why she should stay, she also does this with her Mom and Dad. For a few lovely minutes, 13 Reasons Why feels like a normal high school show instead of a series built around a tragic suicide. [19], Tony and Caleb meet up outside the gym. Clay knows of several rumors, including one where Hannah let Justin put his hands under her shirt. Tony gave the Bakers Hannahs tapes on a USB. Hannah got hurt. The kiss begins chaste, their lips touching gently, but gradually Clay becomes more confident and deepens it to Tony's delight. Tony stopped by Clays house, where Clay played Tony Bryces confession. By creating the tapes, Hannah regains a sense of ownership and power over her own story and identity that she did not possess in life. As he continues to listen, Hannah mentions that each person should have received a map. He knows he made a mistake by not opening the door for Hannah, and, adding to his pain, he acted just late enough to witness her body being taken away. from the story & . for a group? Graciella Padilla Melody Scott Dean Holbrook Harrison Chatham Tim Pozzi Luke Holliday, Clay Jensen Ani Achola Tony Padilla Zach Dempsey Jessica Davis Justin Foley Bryce Walker Alex Standall Tyler Down Charlie St. George Zach Dempsey Lainie Jensen Montgomery de la Cruz Nora Walker Dr. Robert Ellman Diego Torres Chle Rice Gary Bolan Matt Jensen Winston Williams Luke Holliday Deputy Standall Caleb Estela de la Cruz Sheriff Diaz. Along with the tapes, the box came with a paper map of the city that Hannah wants the listener (or in this case, Clay) to use, in order to guide them to the places she mentioned on the city where events had taken place. Alex spent most of his high school experience determined to not feel anything about his sexuality, or even attempt to figure it out. [23], While waiting for the verdict, Tony helped Olivia at the store. Clay walks until he reaches Hannahs old house, the first star on Hannahs map. Hannah wanted it to be tapes. As a result of appearing on the list, Hannah is subject to unwanted recognition and physical contact, and others ignore or excuse the sexual assault that she experiences. He asked if Tony took part in helping Hannah make the tapes. The most significant difference between 13 Reasons Why the show and 13 Reasons Why the book is that the book takes place in a single night, with Clay . He does, however, cry in episode ", Tony has three older brothers and a younger sister, who appear in ", Tony's astrological sign is a Scorpio, in a flashback he is shown talking to. After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice. Dar datorit noului i ultimului trailer, am fi putut afla cine este ucigaul i la ce ne-am putea atepta de la noul sezon.Deci cine a fost s-l ia pe Bryce? And this is where things getinteresting. This is cassette number nine, the story about Clay. A high school freshman, Hannah has a romantic idea of what her first kiss will be like, and the gentle, innocent moment with Justin at the playground surpasses her expectations. Clay and Justin fail, but Tyler, whos paired up with Tony, demonstrates an impressive knowledge of gunshot wounds. Tony's little sister Graciella came to visit Tony at the garage. And sure enough, the Netflix series gave them the Zalex kiss they've been waiting for, to such iconic extents, that #ZALEXFOREVER is trending on Twitter as of writing. They also got rid of Tyler's guns by throwing them in the water. Clay's at the Post Office mailing Hannah's tapes to the next person on the list, Jenny What does Clay find waiting for him after school A package containing 7 cassette tapes How did Hannah kill herself? Tony was helping Mrs. Baker in the store when she asked him if Jessica is on tape nine. Later, Clay and Ani asked Tony to meet up at Monets to talk about Bryces disappearance. Clay experiences blackouts and, at one point, is admitted to the psychiatric ward of a hospital after stealing a gun from a police officer and waving it around. She finds out that she got accepted into eight schools, Stanford being one of them. However, Tony knew that he'd stolen his Walkman and confronted him. From the start, Clays actions reveal his strong feelings about Hannah, a classmate he didnt know very well. Unfortunately, the things and people on her list weren't strong enough to keep Hannah alive, keep Hannah on Earth. Gender Enemies [6], A flashback shows that Tony was the deejay at the Winter Formal. When asked about their history project, which is a lie Clay told his Dad about the tapes, Clay mentioned that he thinks hes done with the project. His reaction was to clear his name with the cops before they start investigating him, but Caleb felt like that would make him more suspicious. A shock to viewers across the world, the school counselor, Mr. Porter, was the 13th reason why. Courtney is Hannah's fifth reason for committing suicide; she spread sexual rumors involving Hannah around the school . [24], Tony drove Tyler to an unknown place after his attempted school shooting. *Bryce Walker never gets the original tapes, we see that he is told about them in the last episode of the first season. Clay narrates that he does not take medication but then in the subsequent scene, he's smoking a bong. Next, the gun goes off in Clay and Tony's direction as they keep shouting not to shoot Tyler. Olivia mentioned knowing why his family got deported: during the trial, the Walkers discovered that his family were illegal immigrants and tipped off ICE. Instead, Tony took Clay to a big rock where they started rock climbing. Antonio, more commonly known as Tony, is a high school student at Liberty High who helps Clay with dealing with Hannah's death and is revealed to be the person who saw Hannah get taken away in an ambulance. That evening, Clay showed up at the gym and asked Tony to help him disappear. She is portrayed by Michele Selene Ang. His agony rises when Diego, who is the current captain of the school's football team starts pranking him with phone calls. Clay believes that he knows whom she is talking about based on their behavior. Relationships Bryce Walker (formerly)Montgomery de la CruzLucas Ryan offered to go with him, but Tony refused. Alex Standall had made a two-column list of girls in the school: Whos hot and Whos Not. Alex put Hannahs name under Best Ass in the Freshman Class and put Jessica Davis down for Worst. Hannah says that Alex did this to anger Jessica and chose Hannah because most people already had a perverted image of her. Tony commented that the tape would blow up the world, to which Clay replied that its exactly what they should do. [10], Tony stayed with Clay and drove him around while he listened to his tape, because he didnt know whats going to happen if Clay heard Hannahs truth. In exchange for dropping his charges against his bag of guns, they offered him a job of being a police informant. Just'sure'. [5], At the Jensen Residence, Mrs. Jensen had invited Tony over for dinner after talking to his dad at a parent meeting. Book Version Occupation By the time he got to Hannah's house, she was being taken away by the ambulance in a body bag. Tony and Mrs. Baker met up at Monet's, seemingly to discuss the list. Once he realised what happened it was too late. The locations marked by Hannah herself is listed below: The Map was a diagram of names complied and created by Hannah Baker in order to label the people who had hurt her and to add on her tapes. Tony didn't want to be part of hiding and detoxing Justin from heroin because he's on probation and has to testify, so he sent Sheri to help instead. Clays realization that Hannahs name was on the list because of Justins lies once again demonstrates the snowball effect of rumors. Is Tony from 13 reasons why straight? Tony responds, and the two of them sit in silence for a little while, just enjoying each other's company. 13 Reasons Why David Moir/Netflix Clay While speaking at Hannah's funeral and seeing a hallucination of Hannah in the. On the tape, Hannah states, Hannah Baker is not, and never was, a slut. Hannah says that the first month with Justin was wonderful, but then he started bragging. But she left so many out, you know that, don't you? Complete the theme tune: You can count on us, we're the____! Justin, Marcus and co. were hounding him and, at one point, considering killing him. She had been dreaming that she would have her first kiss with Justin there, next to a large, metal rocket-ship play structure. You guys remember season 1, episode 8 when theyre walking down after rock climbing and when Tony tells Clay that hes gay? Height That was her choice. Tony wanted to introduce his boyfriend Caleb to his family. 2. At Boxing Gym, Tony received bad news; his appeal for his familys visa had been denied due to insufficient proof of funds. After the dance, he helped Hannah with her car and gave her a tape of The Night We Met, the song she and Clay danced to that night. Even though he is well aware of Bryce's crimes, he still refuses to cease following Hannah's rules and expose the tapes to the public as he claims that the word of a dead girl will not be enough to bring Bryce to justice. We decided to re-watch 13 Reason Why yesterday because we hate ourselves and we spotted something about Clay and Tony that we can't get out of our mind. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. On the tapes, Hannah explains to thirteen people how they played a role in her death, by giving thirteen reasons to explain why she took her life. Education Andrew found the time Olivia spent with Tony inappropriate. Tyler's hurt that his friends lost faith in him, as they're the ones who taught him that. 20% At the boxing match, Tony goes up against a taller and bigger guy. He doesn't say 'HELL NO BRO EWWW". They took a break from listening to get some food at Monets before driving to a spot where Clay can continue listening to the tape. In "Bye", Olivia Baker, searching through Hannah's things, finds a list. Hannah again includes herself on this tape as she blames herself for pushing Clay away. Tony told Clay that he isnt doing it for Hannah and Clay doesnt know the whole story yet. . Tony sells the garage to Caleb, zo Tony can go to college and build a future. At the end of 13 Reasons Why Season 1, Clay Jenson rode off into the sunset with Tony, Brad, and Skye who at the beginning of Season 2 is now his girlfriend. He is shown to be a good friend to Clay and was also a good friend to Hannah and was one of the only boys at Liberty High who did not ridicule her or sexually harass her. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Hannah arranged to meet Justin at Eisenhower Park. This tape is later added to Hannah's set to be used against him in court. Clay listens to the first tape, in which Hannah begins to relate the experiences that led to her suicide. This teen drama, one of Netflix's earlier original series, recently finished its four-season run. He then inquires about Tonys sexuality and how he knew he was gay, clearly an attempt finding answers to questions about his own sexuality.[38]. Before she died, Hannah recorded a set of cassette tapes, one side for each of the 13 reasons she chose to take her life. When he reaches school, he thinks of Mr. Porter, who as the last name on Hannahs list will be the last person to receive the tapes. For abandoning Hannah after she crashed her car into a stop sign which later caused the death of. Tony drives a 1960 thunderbird, a red convertible. Tony skipped his boxing class and went to Monets instead, where Caleb found him. However, Hannah notes that Clay does not deserve to be on the tapes (she confesses her admiration and like for him) but it was necessary to add him to the reasons because he was important to what happened and she wanted him to know. #9: What Mr. Porter Will Do with the Tapes. The guard apprehends Tony and begins to arrest him, but Officer Ted intervenes saving Tony from his third strike and wanting to pull Tony out of the fight. Eventually, they found a guy that was wearing Justin's varsity jacket. You don't know someone else's life. He also told Clay that the day Hannah died, she dropped off the tapes at his door. Tony started skipping school to work at the family's car repair. They hear gun shots from the hallway and Tony decides hes had enough. However, she doesn't think she'll go to any because of her financial situation. Tape 1, Side B 52m As Clay continues to listen, he decides that he needs to find another way to listen to the tapes, so he plans to borrow an old Walkman from his friend Tony. Tony confronted Bryce at the Chatham House and accused him of buying his car out of guilt for getting his family deported. Bryce came to the garage to get his car fixed, which Tony initially refused to do but later agreed. Or, you know, just throw the map away and I'll never knowor will I?Hannah Baker. On the tape, Hannah says that she will be telling her life story and why she took her own life, but that anyone listening to the tapes is one of those reasons. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Tony, seeming honest enough, said it was no sweat, and told him to be careful while riding his bike though, since he'd fallen off the bike earlier. @hannahsreason oh you guys shipped Clay and tony so I'm a fan of #CLONY. This was his second strike and got probation, which is why he can't be seen with Justin. Minor Characters Eleven reasons, she came up just short. ". The names are circled and connected in order of who appears on her tapes. so tony and clay. going on a date. a rock climbing date. @VlRTUES_ SCREAMS THERE IS MOMENT BETWEEN TONY AND CLAY AND I WAS LEGIT LIKE "NOW KISS!@. 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